Open Registrations
Goalie Evolution Academy
Trevor Tierney and Ryan LaPlante have created the Goalie Evolution Academy, dedicated to the athletic and personal development of the next generation of field lacrosse goalies.
Denver Elite Box
Denver Elite is a founding member of USBOXLA and one of the top box lacrosse clubs in the United States.
Battle in the Box
Denver Elite Summer Box Tournament
Collegiate Games
The Division I Collegiate Games is back for the eighth year. Created and collaborated on by Division I college coaches, the Collegiate Games provides a unique opportunity for clarity.
DU Pioneers Summer Camps
The University of Denver Pioneers lacrosse camps and clinics, powered by LXTC, are some of the best instructional programs found anywhere in the country.
CCBLL College Box League
Colorado Collegiate Box Lacrosse League
Quickdraw Faceoff Sessions
This Academy, coached by former DU standout and current PLL player Alec Stathakis, is for boys faceoff players looking to improve their skills and training habits.